Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Great Helmet Debate

It has been a constant struggle between my wife's guilt trips and the need to look cool. Wearing a helmet when I ride my bike would indeed save my life but a bandanna will keep the sweat out my eyes and my hair in place. I even purchased a cool new helmet and have worn it intermittently but profess the need to hear the road and the wind rushing as a speed away at 30+ mph.

I have been in a severe motorcycle accident that hospitalized me for 3 days, which should have been longer and at the loss of my spleen had it not been for my superior healing ability. Somehow though its in my thought process that I made it out alive and fine in that crash with no helmet so it should be no contest riding a bike at half the speed.

This is all ego meets self image issues and as of recently I have put those aside to make better use of my helmet. I have noticed the increasing number of bikes on the road in the last year and am aware that amid certain culture-riders there is no regard for safety. Who I speak of is not the mighty clans of spandex clad road bikers, but of the "fixie" kids. These kids range from high school freshman to 38 year old enthusiasts that want a simple one gear ride with virtually no maintenance. The problem though is that there is a fashion statement associated with the riders that make it near impossible to wear a helmet. The ego of eco is sometimes more reclase to human life than the environment when fashion is the ruling factor.

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