Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sugar House pit of dispair

I fought it before the walls came down, but at least they agreed to make the new facilities mixed use, or until the economy took a turn! This article done by fox news shows how the owner of the property is being forced to complete what he started but now with exceptions that allow him to half the project. The important component to a mixed use development is the apartment complex that the city is now allowing him to get away with not building. Basically the area has been reduced to a lousy strip mall. The owner was quoted as saying "the project will go up in phases," I just hope that the city has the tenacity to stick to their guns and set a time frame that includes the housing in the phases!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

one database...is it possible?

The Utah Division of Housing and Community Development is appealing to landlords to list their affordable rental properties on the division’s new searchable database.
The Utah Affordable Housing Database is a free, online tool designed to help low-income individuals and families find a safe, affordable place to live. It debuts this week with information on more than 8,000 apartments.
“We’re thrilled to make this service available,” said Gordon D. Walker, Division Director. “It furthers our mission, which is to preserve and expand affordable housing and serve the public.”
Using the database, apartment hunters can search for vacancies by county. Searches can be further customized for people with special needs including, seniors, domestic violence victims, homeless individuals and people with disabilities.
Utah’s need for affordable housing continues to outpace availability. For the lowest income populations, there is an 8,855-unit gap between annual need and what the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund can supply.
“There’s a shortage of affordable housing in this state. It’s important that our existing units are filled by eligible clients as soon as there’s a vacancy,” said Walker. “But, until now, there has been no central clearing house for current information on pricing and availability.”
The database can be found at: www.findhousing.utah.gov.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can I get an AMEN!?

Finally the truth is out there. I have felt for so long that Urban Planners have been in the closet about needs of urbanization, the importance of sustainability, and main streets. Now though after this article I feel as though I am coming out of the closet and declaring that these issues are legitimate and that I am proud to be a straight shooting planner.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gas drilling in preservation lands?

The thought of preserving lands is effectively to keep them as untouched and pristine as possible. I ask then how is it that we allow endless streams of heavy diesel spewing trucks up and down 9 mile canyon? Amid protests from the Hopi Tribe and conservation groups our own state has turned a blind eye to the obvious mockery the gas company is making of laws and intended preservation ideals citizens have voted into place. Not until the Federal Government decides the situation is serious enough that our greed is postponed.

The real question is what are we as a nation, state, average citizen, tribal member, and conservationist willing to destroy. Are we willing to sacrifice history for the amount of gas that will be consumed by our country in 17 days and make one company rich in the process? When we take a stand and protect what we designated as protected then can we actually make companies realize that exceptions will not be made and that alternatives are demanded by the public. Companies either die or change...let us make them choose.