Sunday, September 28, 2008

grab a bucket and start bailing

I feel somewhat removed from the crisis right now. Most others know little about the bailout as it applies to them. Currently I'm not trying to get a loan for a house, car or boat. Don't own much risky stock. And I certainly don't do any housing or market speculation. Right now I'm sitting in the life boat that is about to be hit by a rouge wave. I made it out of the realm of bad decisions but now those that have are sending a tidal wave of hurt and financial uncertainty for the futures of generations to come. This really feels like a bad night in Vegas here the high rollers hit all the wrong numbers and spent a lot of money but end up comped in the Bellagio Presidential Suite. I think the American people deserve numbers and names of all of who's getting what!!! If we don't do that then this money will never be held accountable. The masses will pay for it...last i heard the average American's share of 700 billion is about $30,000 each. Thanks, I could have used a down payment on a house.

There is cycle of eggs and baskets, where companies make risky moves toppling the one basket we trusted. Why is a market allowed to grow superficially unchecked and unguided? Is that capitalism or is that just greed? I think greed is capitalism. At what pint though is it OK for CEOs and money market managers and housing speculators to make the decisions far beyond that of what we signed on for. Is that not then a dictatorship? Are we then not ruled but the whims of greed held in the hands of so very few? I say we are. The Great Urban Movement now begins to localize our investments and take pride in the returns of our collective communities. The Geeks emphasized that democracy can only be effective at a maximum city size of 10,000 people. I say it is the same for our investments as well.

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