Wednesday, August 27, 2008

a new gateway to downtown

Not to be confused with the shopping mall called the gateway but what I'm referring to is the edge of "whats happening" as you visit the downtown from either the south or the east. Are there just a bunch of niche locations that we are trying to overstretch connectivity to? 9th and 9th, 15th and 15th, Gallivan Plaza, Liberty Park, Hoggle Zoo, This is the Point Park, the Delta Center and many more segregated places are trying to be placed in the same realm of connectivity and under the broad heading of SLC...should they be. Usually destination spots are called so for a reason.

I submit that a new destination awaits that SLC can rally behind. We could even call it Rally Point, where we close a section of 4th south off cobble stone it and only allow foot traffic and trolleys. The trolleys being the integral portion of the experiment. By having a gateway that in and of itself is fairly close to all these other dijointed areas we could make open air trolleys a system of enjoyable connectivity.

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