Thursday, August 28, 2008

if MALLS can have a dirrectory why not MAIN STREET?

If you've ever been in a mall you'll know that near every intersection there is a tall lighted map that shows you the names of all the stores in the area. I got a tip today that an Alphagraphics was on my block and so left my building and proceeded circling the block to no avail. After that block I decided that the adjoining blocks would be circled next...and nada. I then texted google (466-45). All I got from them was a "did you mean something else" answer no. Then no results found. I just think that the city at every block could post whats at least on the ground level of the entire block with a small map. They need to be in predictable places so that you know where to find them always in a pinch. It would be even better for walkers but beneficial to all. I think it might get so popular that drivers would eventually pull over to get directions from these signs.

1 comment:

Christopher Clifford said...

Word man. They have em in the Gateway (it's still a mall, I know, but it's closer to a downtown than Crossroads was). Next time text Cha Cha (242242). Cha Cha will never let you down.