Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can I get an AMEN!?

Finally the truth is out there. I have felt for so long that Urban Planners have been in the closet about needs of urbanization, the importance of sustainability, and main streets. Now though after this article I feel as though I am coming out of the closet and declaring that these issues are legitimate and that I am proud to be a straight shooting planner.

1 comment:

Christopher Clifford said...

Do you remember when he lectured in Kieth's Growth Management class? He is a smart man. I'm glad the D-news picked that up. Ted went to the meeting and said it was really good. An interesting fact is his explanation of building life spans. The life of a typical strip development is about 30 years, while the life of residential is around 120 years. It makes redevelopment of commercial properties more important, and poor single family home developments worse when you consider how long it will be there.